So, I already start using ma 'blogging system', when my lecturer asking me (& whole class of coz), each person must find 5 New Vocabulary. They must include:
- Meaning
- Antonym
- Synonym
- Words
uhuh!!!! I found it..... They are:
- Inveterate
- Meaning- Someone who does something very often and cannot stop doing/long-standing establishment.
- Antonym- short-lived
- Synonym- addicted, confirmed, continuing, enduring, old, permanent.
- IPA- [ in-vet-er-it]
- Words- The man inveterate with smoking since he's 18 years old.
- Etiquette
- Meaning- The set of rules or customer which control accepted behavior in particular social group or social situations.
- Antonym- bad-manners
- Synonym- amenities, code, convention, decorum, dignity, protocol.
- IPA- [et-i-kit, -ket]
- Words- Business etiquette and common sense seems to go on hand-in-hand.
- Probationer
- Meaning- casual participant
- Antonym- professional
- Synonym- apprentice, beginner, hopeful, learner.
- IPA- [pron-bey-shuh-ner]
- Words- That women having probation after 3 years she spent her time at college of nursing.
- Eccentric
- Meaning- Deviating from a circular form of a path, as in an elliptical orbit.
- Antonym- normal, regular, ordinary, customary, conventional.
- Synonym- strange, weird, bizarre.
- IPA- [ik-sen-trik, ek-]
- Words- Perhaps more eccentric of all, a professor in our math department taught his dog the essentials of calculus.
- Voracious
- Meaning- very hungry, greedy
- Antonym- quenched, satisfied
- Synonym- covetous, empty, gross, insatiable, prodigious, rapacios, starved, uncontrolled.
- IPA- [vaw-rey-shuh s, voh-, vuh-]
- Words- The fish in neighboring streams and lakes are so voracious, it is said, that fisherman have to stand out of sight behind trees while baiting their hooks.
And that the 5 words that I found..
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